
Meet your Trainer:

Damon Oates founder and CEO of DecoExchange. While he may be a ribbon hoarder...

He’s all business with the stats and track record to prove it.

Why is Damon qualified to teach you?

Damon is one of the few instructors to specialize in both e-commerce and content-based businesses. He built his first five figure business at 17. He has built a few e-commerce based businesses - one five figure, one six-figure and one seven-figure business. He built a seven-figure consulting company right out of college and he has now built a seven-figure sustainable content-based business in less than a year, while still running a seven-figure product-based business. Damon not only teaches the skill, but still implements the work.

He has taught other entrepreneurs how to implement his same business strategies for the last two years. Students have shown their own success by implementing the processes and hitting six & seven figures in their own businesses.

What is Damon teaching you today?

In this eBook we’re giving you the basic outline of how you can build your next (or first) best-selling product, eBook, or course! The 7 steps outlined will help you walk through discovering exactly what your audience currently needs and helps you plan out the delivery of the solution.

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7 Steps to A Profitable Solution
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Step 1 – Talk to your audience and get feedback on what they need!

The easiest way to find out what your audience wants from you is just to ask them for some feedback and input.

Use the following formats or something similar and ask your audience a question:

A.      What do you need to know next to ______ online?

B.      What is your biggest challenge with your _______

C.      What is your main challenge with _______

D.      What is the greatest obstacle that is keeping you from _____

E.       When it comes to ________ what are your biggest challenges with _______

F.       How have you used _______ in your business?

G.      What do you struggle with the most when it comes to _______

H.      What areas do you want to learn more about or want to improve? (Include list of items)

I.         What do you consider to be the greatest _____ challenge?

There are three types of posts that I recommend you use to get people to respond to these

1.       Make a poll with options – this limits the variations of the responses. Encourage people to not only select one of your options but also elaborate on their struggle! Facebook loves a good 2-3-line comment and it’ll increase your overall reach & engagement of the post.

2.        Open ended question where the audience can reply with any response.

3.       Using a video where you ask the question and then encourage your audience to leave their biggest struggle in the comments. I encourage you to interact with the first few people that come on and talk about their struggle! The more you can get them to chat with you the better the post will do.

Examples of the questions:

Poll Example -

Open ended question example:

Examples of the question formats

A.      What do you need to know next to sell online?

B.      What is your biggest challenge with your Etsy store?

C.      What is your main challenge with pricing your handmade products?

D.      What is the greatest obstacle that is keeping you from selling online?

E.       When it comes to selling online what are your biggest challenges with SEO / Keywords?

F.       How have you used Pinterest in your business?

G.      What do you struggle with the most when it comes to getting traffic to your product?

H.      What areas of Etsy do you want to learn more about or want to improve?

I.         What do you consider to be the greatest challenge when it comes to selling online?

Tips for getting Step 1 done!

  • Interact with the audience! Reply and engage in conversation with every response. The more engagement the more the post will get seen
  • Pay to boost the post
  • Ask the question slightly different on your business page, personal page, and any groups where its allowed and relevant!

Keep track of their feedback! I mean… that’s the whole point! To see what your audience really needs!

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Step 2 – Now it’s time for some reflection! What you can do for their pain points and what are the benefits?

1.       What 5 challenges from the feedback to your posts can you resolve? How many people were affected by the same challenge?

2.       From the feedback, review the issues and determine who you can create a service or product for (was there one topic that came up more than others?)  

3.       What are 3 ways you can solve the issue?

4.       Out of the 3 ways that you can resolve the issue which one will grab the most interest, be the easiest to complete and one that you can provide right now?

5.       What solution will question #4 solve?

6.       What is the OUTCOME of the problem that you solve? If your customer does the process in question #4 what will happen? (The outcome and the solution are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS Y’ALL. The solution is what you’re fixing with the product/service and the outcome is the reward they receive from the solution. If your customer does the process in question #4 what will happen?) Ex. If you’re teaching them how to take better product photos. The solution is better product photography and the desired outcome is increased sales.

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Step 3 – Think about the journey! What JOURNEY will you take the audience on?

Does your answer to their problem come with a multi part series?

Do you have a warm them up offer that’s lower price that gets them a quick win and then steps into a higher paid offer?

Does your offer take them from one step to another and a continuous investment with you?

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Step 4 – ASK yourself how to offer the product, program or service!

1.       How will you present your solution? (Will you have video? Audio? Pdfs? A combination of all of them?  Think about the level of complexity each different type of delivery adds!)        

2.       How hands on will your service be? Will you personally walk them through the content, or will it be a one-off purchase that they work through on their own?      

3.       How long will it take them to complete the offer?

4.       Will you give them all the content at once or drip it to them over time? 

5.       How will you deliver the content?

6.       Where will they access the content?

Tips on delivery:

  • If you make it a PDF you can set your funnel up to deliver the product right after purchase.
  • You can upload videos to YouTube and Vimeo with a privacy setting so that only the person with the direct link can see them.
  • You can use 3rd party systems like Thinkiffic, Teachable or Kajabi to deliver the content.
  • You can invite the customer into a private Facebook group and walk them through the course using the Unit sections.
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Step 5 – What will you call the solution? Every product or service needs a name…

The importance in a name? The names you give your solutions (books, products, services, etc) are part of the first impression that you make to your audience. The name will form a key part of both how you perceive your solution, how the market perceives you, and how your audience refers to you.

When naming a product or service I love to use The Big Promise Brand style. When using the Big Promise Brand, you simply answer this question: “What specific outcome and/or experience can I promise my clients that they want”

Ideally your Big Promise would include:

  1. The outcome and a specific process
  2. Timeframe for achieving the outcome

You can use these straightforward formulas to come up with your Big Promise Name:

  • X outcome in Y time (Become a Pro at iPhone Product Photography in a Weekend)
  • X time to achieve Y outcome (3 Days to Master iPhone Product Photography)
  • X steps for Y outcome (5 steps to iPhone Product Photography to increase sales)
  • X process for Y outcome (5 step process for iPhone Product Photography for increased online sales)

You can use these quirky alternatives to give your offer a Big Promise Name:

  • “Action Verb + Outcome” Ex. Creating Product Selling Photography
  • “Noun + Noun” Ex. Pictures for Profits
  • “How to + Action Verb + Outcome” Ex. How to Create Photography that sells your product
  • “How to + Action Verb + Outcome + Process” Ex. How to Create Photography That sells your product with your iPhone

Using the formulas above come up with 5 different names for your product or service.

Ask a few of your audience members which name they like best! You can easily go back to the post from the first step of this process!

Name of Offer: ______________________________________________________

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Step 6 – PRICING! The pricing can vary depending on what part of the customer journey you’re implementing the solution in…

The price of your solution has a direct impact on virtually every future aspect of your customer journey. If you charge to little, you’ll give the wrong perceived value of the information and if you charge too much, you’ll likely reduce your price or put it on sale to sell more.

Underpricing the audiences first experience with you will also make it harder for you to transition into a higher priced solution in the future.

If you underprice your solution, it will be hard to get others to promote your course with affiliate shares. 20% of a $5 course doesn’t leave much skin in the game for either of you.

If you price your solution lower, expect to get lower grade customers. If a customer isn’t committed to finishing your solution, you’ll never have a win to share. A higher commitment from the customer for your solution will help ensure that they complete your offer.

PS – It takes just as much effort to sell a low-priced course as it does to sell a priced course. Don’t work yourself into the ground for less profit, less recognition and fewer customer wins.

Do your homework on pricing!

·         Don’t price your solution based on its length. What value does your customer get out of the solution? What is that value worth to their business?

·         Review what others are charging for a similar solution

Add more perceived value and bonuses so that you can ask a higher price!

·         Create a private Facebook group for your customers

·         Review the solution with them live

·         Include PDFs or worksheets

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Step 7 – Bring it all together!

Now that you know the following:

  • what your audience wants
  • what you’re going to deliver to solve their pain point
  • the journey you want to take them on
  • how you’re going to deliver the solution
  • what you’re going to name the solution
  • how to price it

You’re ready to pull it all together on your own into an eBook, worksheet, or course.  

Once you have it created, you’ll need a marketing strategy!

How will you get your audience to know you have the solution to their problem?

Ways to let them know: Facebook Posts, Emails, Facebook Ads, 1:1 Contact back to the people that interacted with you when we were looking for input in Step 1.

Keep track of your audiences wins from your solution so that you can use them in future promotions.

Join the Facebook Group so that we can cheer on your success! -

If you get stuck or need additional guidance you can reach us at to see how we can work together on building your FIRST or NEXT profitable solution for your audience.

Please make sure you include “Profitable Solution Help” in the title of your email so that our team knows to move you up in the priority list!



How to contact -


Phone: 337-378-0002
